Music Lessons

Music Lessons


Beginning, intermediate and advanced. All ages.

An Appreciation of World Music understanding music from the ground up.

We explore the building blocks of Harmony, Melody Rhythm, Purpose, Tempo, Instruments, Mood, Ensembles, Texture, Form and other parameters; and learn how to listen for these in any kind of music from any part of the world.


Composing for the beginner, intermediate or advanced student. Class or individual lessons.

The Art of Listening

From kindergarten to college level classes.

Make Your Own Radio Play: from concept, to script, directing, acting, microphone technique, sound design, music, editing to mastering.

Song Writing: class or individual lessons. Discover the basics of rhyme, reason and rhythm and give them voice.

Drumming: learn how to stay on beat, in tempo, work as team and learn basics of rhythm, pulse, African and Indian styles.

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The Doctor Music Show: A way of engaging children in learning the building blocks of music in a fun and entertaining medium.

Improvisation: for beginning, intermediate and advanced musicians and actors.


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